Büchereiprojekt an der girls secondary school in Kaseye




This is the Library construction project that is taking place at Kaseye Girls' Secondary School in Chitipa-Malawi. The School is in partnership with Blickwinkel Afrika ev. The Blickwinkel Afrika is funding the project with 25,000 Euro. The money will be sent in 2 phases. The first phase has been sent 16, 140 Euro. The second one will come after exhausting the first phase. The library has study area which would accomodate 150 students at a time. It has common shelves  and reserved ones, sorting room and the room for the librarian.

 The project agreement was signed on 1st December, 2021. The project will run up to 1st December 2022. It's a one year project.


At the moment the clearing of site has been done, foundation is dug. The building of foundation is underway as seen from the photos.  After the anti course they will put concrete slab then  the building of the superstructure . The welder is making door frames and window frames so that when they start building the super structure these should be ready.


The community owns the project and is also contributing towards its successful completion. It is contributing bricks, sand and quarry stones needed for the whole building.


The construction work  of the library is not affecting neither the learners nor the staff. Everyone is not allowed to the site without permission. This is to ensure everyone's safety.

The greatest challenge we are facing is  that the prices of commodities have increased so much that the  money will not be enough to complete the project.


We are grateful to Blickwinkel Africa For all the support they give to Kaseye Girls Secondary School. We promise to make sure that the project is successfully completed and that we take care of the building while in use.


The project is wholeheartedly accepted and appreciated by students, teaching staff and the community as a whole. Indeed, it is a timely granted project.

Since the school opened in 2007, we have been using a tiny room just to stock our books. The coming in of this project, will ensure:

    easing students’ congestion in the small temporary library shelter in which students were accessing library books in rotations.
    provision of enough space for students to do their usual reading and studying.
    that both teachers and students have a permanent resource centre where they can substantiate information hence equip them with more knowledge.
    Provision of an opportunity to community members to increase their financial base through piece works offered to them though for a short while

Some students exclaimed " Wow looking forward to sitting in a library and study comfortably." "Cant wait to see it completed " Everyone is eagerly waiting for its completion. "We thank Blickwinkel Afrika for the support! "